Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Premium Tea made Accessible

Fall is here, and I just brought Golden Buddha Oolong back into inventory. This Wuyi Oolong, also known as Jing Fo, is a relatively new cultivar.  It brews into a light amber cup with toasty notes of caramel and cinnamon, and it's one of my favorite teas.  I had it in stock last year, and unfortunately, the price on many of the Wuyi Oolongs (as well as some other popular teas) increased significantly over the past year. I tried to stay away, but customers continued to request it, and I missed it too much myself.  So Golden Buddha is back! 

I also added a webpage for our premium line of teas.  We have Gyokuro, Silver Needles, and several others.  They are such good teas, and I want the experience of sipping one to be available to everyone.  So I updated the pricing for all our premium tea.  They're now available for purchase by the ounce and I reduced the prices on the larger size packages of teas in this line.  Now these sublime teas can be an affordable luxury, with even the most expensive tea in our line costing about 85cents/cup when brewed!  Click here to explore our premium line.

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